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  • February 22, 2022
  • jkmep

Home – Architecture

Architecture Studio

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Bespoke spaces that enrich the human experience

We connect insight with creativity to design places people love.


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Interior Design

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Urban Design

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Lotte Concert Hall

La Crosse, USA

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Songdo World Towers

Incheon, South Korea

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Imperial Princes Gardens

London, UK

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“Original, creative and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Saasland are always a pleasure to work with”

Filip Justić

PHP Developer

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“Original, creative and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Saasland are always a pleasure to work with”

lip Justić

CTO, Droitthemes

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“Original, creative and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Saasland are always a pleasure to work with”

Mark John

WordPress Developer

25 February, 2022

KPF Designs Exhibition for Shenzhen Biennale on Architecture and Urbanism

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25 February, 2022

NYC Passes Country’s Most Wide-Ranging Bird-Friendly Building Legislation

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25 February, 2022

Exhibition for Shenzhen Biennale on Architecture and Urbanism

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214 Cleo Street Suite 832

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